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Terms of Use

  1. General rules and scope of application 1.1. “G.U. Blockchain Cloud” Terms of Use (“this Agreement”) defines the basic terms and conditions for the use of “G.U. Blockchain Cloud” (“this Service”, details are defined in Section 3.1), which G.U. Technologies, Inc. (“the Company”, “we” or “us”) provides and operates to a subscriber (“the Subscriber"), between the Subscriber or the prospective user (“the Prospective user”, defined in clause 2.1 c) and the Company. 1.2. In the event that the Company posts individual or additional terms and conditions regarding this Service on the website or application operated by the Company (collectively “the Company's website, etc.” or “our Websites”), those terms and conditions shall constitute one part of this Agreement. And, in the event that individual or additional terms and conditions conflict with this Agreement, those individual or additional terms and conditions shall take precedence. 1.3. This Agreement is applied to the Subscriber, the user or the user who wants to use this Service and the Company. 1.4. This Agreement is written in Japanese and translated into English. The Japanese text is the original and the English text is for reference only. If there is any conflict between these two texts, the Japanese text shall prevail.

  2. Definitions 2.1. In this Agreement, the definitions of the words listed in each of the following items shall be as specified in the respective items. a. Service use contract This refers to the contractual relationship between the Company and the Subscriber for the use of this Service, and includes this Agreement and the related terms and notices posted on our websites. b. Subscriber A person who has agreed to this Agreement and concluded a service use contract with us. c. Prospective user A person who wishes to conclude a service use contract with us. d. G.U. Account G.U. Account is an account necessary for the use of this Service and is granted by the Company to the Subscriber. A G.U. Account uses a Google account, so the Subscriber must register for a Google account to use this Service. e. Organization Account An Organization Account is required for the Subscriber to create a G.U. Blockchain Network(defined in next clause) for this Service. An Organization Account can include G.U. accounts of multiple Subscribers. It is also possible for a single subscriber's G.U. account to participate in multiple Organization Accounts. f. G.U. Blockchain Network The G.U. Blockchain Network is a blockchain network created on the server of this Service. An Organization Account can join the G.U. Blockchain Network on a per-account basis, and multiple Organization accounts can join a single G.U. Blockchain Network. g. Registration information This refers to the information prescribed by the Company which the Subscriber and the Prospective user provided to the Company before concluding this Service use contract, the information which the Company judged necessary and requested the Subscriber to register while using this Service, and the information when the Subscriber itself added or changed. h. Related Carriers Refers to telecommunication carriers, server operators (AWS is used in this Service), and other businesses related to this Service. i. Intellectual property rights Refers to copyrights, patent rights, utility model rights, trademark rights, design rights and other intellectual property rights (including the right to acquire those rights or to apply for registration of those rights).

  3. Contents of this Service 3.1. This Service will be one or more of the following, and details will be displayed on our Websites. a. G.U. Blockchain Cloud G.U. Blockchain Cloud is a Blockchain as a Service (BaaS) that allows users to develop and operate an Ethereum compatible blockchain infrastructure by operating the interface provided on a web browser (Google Chrome). The blockchain built in the G.U. Blockchain Cloud is stored in the cloud environment (Amazon Web Services) as a private chain, and can be accessed by external applications by sharing an endpoint (URL). Due to the characteristics of the blockchain, it may not be possible to retroactively delete information recorded in the blockchain. In addition, there are certain restrictions on the suspension or deletion of blockchain operations. b. Services related to or incidental to the services listed in the preceding clause. 3.2. For the purpose of appropriate operation of this Service, we may check the usage status of this Service by the Subscriber. The Subscriber agrees to this in advance.

  4. Registration of subscribers 4.1. A Prospective user can apply for registration for use of this Service ("registration for use") to us by agreeing to comply with this Agreement and providing registration information to us in the manner prescribed by us. 4.2. Google account is necessary for registration for use. Please comply with the various terms set forth by Google in using and managing Google account. 4.3. We judge whether or not to register for use according to our standards and completes registration for use and grants G.U. Account only to those who wish to use and we approve the registration. For example, we may refuse registration for a user who has violated this Agreement in the past or a user who belongs to a competitor of us. 4.4. The Service use contract based on this Agreement will be completed between the Subscriber and us when we start providing this Service to the Subscriber. 4.5. When a minor wishes to use this Service, the consent of a legal representative is required. When a minor becomes the Subscriber, the consent of the legal guardian is deemed to have been obtained for the use of this Service and the contents of this Agreement. In addition, when a Subscriber who was a minor at the time of registration for use uses this Service after reaching the age of majority, it is considered that the use while being a minor is acknowledged. 4.6. When the Subscriber registers the registration information (including the case where the Subscriber provides the registration information to the Company through the service of a third party), the Subscriber must send true and accurate information. The Company will provide this Service based on the registration information registered by the Subscriber. The Company shall not be held responsible for any damage incurred by the Subscriber due to falsehoods, errors, or omissions in the registered information. When the change of registration information is born according to the following article, the Company will provide this Service based on the registration information registered at the time of use of this Service by the Subscriber.

  5. Change of the Subscriber's Registration Information 5.1. If there is a change in the Subscriber's registration information, the Subscriber shall promptly carry out the procedure for changing the information using the method prescribed by the Company. 5.2. The Subscriber agrees without objection in advance that if a notice from the Company fails to reach the Subscriber because the Subscriber fails to change the information in the preceding paragraph, the notice will be deemed to have reached the Subscriber when it should have normally reached the Subscriber. 5.3. The Company shall not be held responsible for any damage caused by the Subscriber's negligence in making the changes in Paragraph 5.1.

  6. Use of Account 6.1. The Subscriber is responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of the information required to login to the G.U. Account and is fully responsible for all activities that occur under the G.U. Account. 6.2. The Subscriber shall immediately notify us of any unauthorized use, suspected unauthorized use, or any other breach of security of the G.U. Account. We shall not take responsibility for any damage caused by the Subscriber's negligence of the above notification. 6.3. We may delete the Subscriber's G.U. Account in accordance with Article 11.

  7. Fees and charges 7.1. In order to create the G.U. Blockchain Network on this Service, the Subscriber shall pay the fee for the use of this Service ("the fee" or “the fees”) in accordance with the amount and method separately set forth by the Company on the Company's website. 7.2. We may revise the fees when we deem it necessary. However, in the case of an increase in the fee, we shall notify the Subscribers of the change in the fee, the changed fee, and the time when the changed fee will be applied by posting on our Websites or by other means deemed appropriate by a reasonable period of time before the change. In addition, we may, at its discretion, set a transfer period for the existing Subscribers to allow the application of the old fee. 7.3. In the event that the Subscriber delays payment of the fees, the Subscriber shall pay to us the late fee at the rate of 14.6% per annum and the interest fee corresponding to the remaining period. 7.4. Taxes on the fees shall be as follows a. The Subscriber shall pay the fees to the Company without any deduction of tax. In cases where the Company collects or is obliged to collect a tax, the Company shall charge it to the Subscriber. b. In cases where the Subscriber pay fees after deducting the tax from the fees in accordance with laws and regulations, they shall submit a certificate showing that they have paid the tax or a similar appropriate written document to the Company upon request. 7.5. The Service use contract based on this Agreement is on a monthly basis. However, unless the Subscriber completes the cancellation procedure by the end of the effective period (the end of each month) by the method prescribed by the Company, the contract will be automatically renewed for one month with the same one content as before at the time of the end of the effective period, and the same shall apply thereafter. Even if the Subscriber cancels the service contract in the middle of a month, the fee for the remaining period of the contract (until the end of each month) will be charged and the Company will not carry out a pro-rata settlement or refund. 7.6. Unless otherwise specified in this Agreement, the Company does not accept as a part of the refund of the fees paid by the Subscribers to the Company.

  8. Use of this Service 8.1. The Subscriber can use this Service within the effective period of the service use contract in accordance with the way specified by the Company within the range of the purpose of this Agreement and within the range not to violate this Agreement. 8.2. The preparation and maintenance of computers, software and other equipment, communication lines and other communication environment necessary to receive this Service shall be carried out at the expense and responsibility of the Subscriber. 8.3. The Subscriber shall take the utmost care not to lose or alter the information held by the Subscriber or to cause damage or malfunction of the equipment when installing software on the Subscriber's computer by downloading from the Company's website or other methods when starting to use this Service or during the use of this Service. The Company shall not be held responsible for any damage incurred by the Subscriber as a result of such events. 8.4. The Subscriber shall observe the following items when using this Service. a. In case of unauthorized access, information leakage or threat of information leakage, etc., regarding the use of this Service (including but not limited to the case where information necessary to log in to the G.U. Account is leaked or divulged), the Subscriber must contact us immediately (including, but not limited to, the case where information necessary to log in to the G.U. Account is leaked or divulged). b. The subscriber shall take necessary security measures to prevent unauthorized access, information leakage and leaks, etc. regarding the use of this Service.

  9. Prohibited Matters 9.1. The Subscriber must not commit any of the following acts when using this Service. a. Actions that violate laws and regulations, actions that promote violations of laws and regulations, or actions that have the potential to do so. b. Fraud or intimidation against the Company, other subscribers to this Service, or other third parties. c. Actions that are offensive to public order and morals d. To infringe or threaten to infringe the intellectual property rights, portrait rights, privacy rights, honor, or any other rights or interests of the Company, other users of this Service, or any other third party. e. To license, sell, rent, lease, transfer, assign, distribute, host or otherwise use all or part of the contents of this Service for commercial purposes. f. Modification of the contents of this Service, creation of secondary works, disassembly, reverse engineering, etc. g. To use this Service for the purpose of constructing a website, product or service similar or competitive to this Service, or for the purpose of verifying its availability, performance, functionality, or for other benchmarking or competitive purposes. h. Copying, duplicating, distributing, reprinting, downloading, displaying, displaying or transmitting all or part of this Service except for the cases where it is explicitly permitted in this Agreement. i. Transmit through this Service any information that the Company deems to fall under any of the following or to be applicable (1) Information that contains violent or cruel expressions (2) Information that contains computer viruses or other harmful programs (3) Information that includes expressions that defame the honor or confidence of the Company, other users of this Service, or other third parties (4) Information that includes obscene expressions (5) Information that includes expressions that promote discrimination (6) Information that includes expressions that may encourage self-murder or self-injurious behavior (7) Information that includes expressions that promote the inappropriate use of drugs (8) Information containing antisocial expressions (9) Information that contains expressions that may cause discomfort to others (10) Information that contains false contents (11) Information that includes advertising, solicitation, or sales activities j. Any activity that may place an excessive load on this Service or the networks or systems accessed through this Service k. Activities aimed at collecting information on other subscribers to this Service l. Unauthorized access to the system connected to this Service in general, unauthorized rewriting or deletion of information stored in the Company's facilities, or other actions that may cause damage to the Company m. To impersonate other subscribers or third parties n. To use the G.U. Account of another subscriber (including, but not limited to, joint use of one G.U. Account by multiple users) o. Providing benefits to an anti-social force, etc. (meaning a gang, a member of a gang, a person who has been a member of a gang for less than five years, a right-wing organization, a quasi-member of a gang, “sokaiya” racketeer group, groups engaging in criminal activities under the pretext of conducting social campaigns or political activities, crime groups specialized in intellectual crimes or any other similar person. The same shall apply hereinafter) p. To use threatening language (including, but not limited to, to inform that the person concerned or oneself is an anti-social force) q. Conduct that may interfere with the operation of this Service by the Company. r. Actions that go against the purpose and objective of this Agreement and this Service. s. To violate the various terms and conditions of AWS ( which is used as the server of this Service. t. Any activity that directly or indirectly causes or facilitates any of the above. u. Any other activities that the Company deems inappropriate.

  10. Cancellation of Service Use Contract 10.1. The Subscriber may cancel all or part of the service use contract by the method separately specified by us on our Websites. The Subscriber who has cancelled the service use contract shall not be able to use this Service (in the case that the Subscriber has cancelled only a part of the service use contract, it is limited to the range of the cancelled part) from the point of cancellation. 10.2. If there are any debts owed by the Subscriber to the Company upon cancellation of a service use contract (including but not limited to not only the debts under this Agreement but also the damage compensation debts of the Subscriber to the Company), the Subscriber shall lose the benefit of time for all of the debts owed to the Company and immediately pay all debts to the Company. The Subscriber must immediately carry out all obligations to the Company. 10.3. Even if the Subscriber cancels the service use contract in the middle of the effective period, the fee for the remaining period of the contract will be charged and the Company will not carry out a pro-rata settlement or refund to the Subscriber. 10.4. Even after the cancellation of the service use contract, the Subscriber is not exempted from all obligations and liabilities to the Company which the Subscriber owes due to the use of this Service. 10.5. The Company may retain, use, or delete the registered information of the Subscriber even after the Subscriber cancels all or part of the service use contract. 10.6. When the subscriber wishes to register to use this Service again after the cancellation of the service use contract, it is necessary to carry out the registration procedure again. The Subscriber agrees in advance that the data before the cancellation will not be taken over by the registration procedure again. 10.7. After the cancellation of the service use contract, the Company shall not hand over the Subscriber's data and other information provided by the Subscriber to the Company, and the Subscriber shall agree to this without objection.

  11. Suspension of Service and Deletion of Account 11.1. When the Company judges that the Subscriber corresponds to any of the following or is likely to correspond to any of the following, the Company may temporarily suspend the use of this Service or take other necessary measures, cancel the registration as the Subscriber, or cancel the service use contract with the Subscriber without prior notice or warning. a. In case of violation of any clause of this Agreement, or in case the Company judges that there is a possibility of violation of this Agreement b. When it is found that there are falsehoods in all or part of the information provided to the Company c. In case it is found that the information necessary to login to G.U. Account has been stolen or used by a third party d. In the event that the bank account or credit card designated by the Subscriber as a method of payment for the fee for this Service has been suspended or invalidated, or in the event that the improper use of such account or credit card has been found e. When the payment of the fee for this Service is delayed and the delay is not cleared by the date designated by the Company f. When the Subscriber is a minor, an adult ward, a person under curatorship, or a person under assistance, and it is found that the Subscriber has not obtained the consent, etc. of a legal representative, guardian, curator, or assistant g. In cases where the Subscriber has waited for payment or become unable to pay, or in cases where the Subscriber is requested to start bankruptcy proceedings, start civilian revitalization proceedings, start corporate reorganization proceedings, start special liquidation, or similar proceedings h. In case of a significant decline in the credibility of the Subscriber, or in case there is a significant change in the business that affects the credibility of the Subscriber i. In the event that the Subscriber resolves to dissolve or in the event that the Subscriber resolves to reorganize the company such as merger with another company j. In the event of the death of the Subscriber, or in the event that there is a reasonable cause to cancel the service use contract due to the commencement of entrustment, conservatorship, or assistance k. When the Subscriber does not respond to inquiries or other communications from the Company for more than 30 days 11.2. When any of the reasons in the preceding paragraph applies, the Subscriber will naturally lose the benefit of time for all of the debts owed to the Company (including but not limited to not only the debts under this Agreement but also the debts of the Subscriber for compensation for damages to the Company) and must immediately fulfill all of the debts to the Company. 11.3. The Subscriber shall not be exempted from all obligations and liabilities (including but not limited to compensation for damages) to the Company and other third parties for the use of this Service even after the measures based on clause 11.1 are taken. 11.4. The Company shall not be held responsible for any damage caused to the Subscriber by the actions taken by the Company in accordance with this Article to the extent permitted by the applicable laws and regulations, and the Company may retain and use the data and other information provided by the Subscriber to the Company even after the measures based on Paragraph 11.1 are taken.

  12. Changing, Suspending, Waiting, Adding, or Abandoning this Service 12.1. The Company may change or add all or part of the contents of this Service and the software related to this Service without prior notice to the Subscriber. However, in the case of changes or changes that involve a major reduction in this Service, the Company will notify the Subscriber of the fact that this Service will be changed or changed, the contents of this Service after the change, and the timing of the change or change by posting on the Company's website or by other means that the Company deems appropriate, at least a reasonable period of time before the change or change. 12.2. The Company may, at its discretion, stop the provision and operation of all or part of this Service. In the event that the Company decides to suspend the provision or operation of all or part of this Service, the Company will notify the Subscriber in a manner that the Company deems appropriate. However, in the case of an emergency, notification to the Subscriber may not be carried out. 12.3. The Company may temporarily suspend all or part of this Service without prior notice to the Subscriber in the event of any of the following events. a. In case of regular or emergency maintenance or repair of hardware, software, communication equipment and facilities for this Service b. In the event that the service of a telecommunication carrier is not provided c. In the event that provision of this Service is difficult due to force majeure such as a natural disaster d. In the event that provision of this Service is difficult due to a fire, power failure, other unforeseen accident, war, conflict, disturbance, riot, or labor dispute e. When the system is overloaded due to excessive access or other unforeseen factors f. When there is a need to ensure the security of the Subscriber g. When the provision of all or part of the services (including but not limited to AWS) operated by related Carriers is temporarily suspended or interrupted h. In the event that the operation of this Service becomes impossible or extremely difficult due to laws or regulations or measures based on such laws or regulations i. When the Company deems it necessary in accordance with the preceding items 12.4. The Subscriber agrees in advance that all or part of the use of this Service may be restricted when any of the following cases apply. a. When the eligibility for use of this Service cannot be confirmed by the authentication function of the G.U. Account b. In the case of using this Service in the environment that cannot be connected to the Internet c. In the case of using this Service in a situation where real-time communication is not possible 12.5. The Company is not obligated to support the software and provide corrected versions (including updated versions) of this Service to the Subscriber. 12.6. The Company shall not be responsible for any damage caused to the Subscriber by the measures taken by the Company based on this Article to the extent permitted by the applicable laws.

  13. Ownership of Rights 13.1. All intellectual property rights related to the information provided by the Company in this Service belong to the Company or the party that has granted a license to the Company. 13.2. Trademarks, logos, service marks, etc. (collectively, "Trademarks") may be displayed on this Service, but the Company does not transfer or license the Trademarks to the Subscriber or any other third party. 13.3. The Company is not concerned with the contents of the information recorded in the G.U. Blockchain Network created by the Subscriber. The Subscriber represents and warrants to the Company that it has the legal rights to the data it sends on the G.U. Blockchain Network and that the sending of such data does not infringe the rights of any third party.

  14. Business Consignment 14.1. The Company may, at its discretion, outsource all or part of the work related to this Service to a third party.

  15. Use of Subscriber's Information, etc. 15.1. We will not use the registration information and the information related to the usage of this Service obtained from the Subscriber through the use of this Service beyond the scope of the law and beyond the scope of the purpose of use listed in the following items. a. To confirm the identity of the Subscriber b. To provide this Service. c. To charge fees and late fees d. To confirm the validity of credit cards for payment of the fees e. To customize the information and advertisements on this Service for each subscriber f. To provide information about this Service and other services provided by the Company or the Company's group companies (G.U.Labs, Inc.) g. To notify of the suspension, termination, or cancellation of this Service h. To respond to actions that violate this Agreement i. To notify the Subscriber of changes to the Company's rules, policies, etc. regarding this Service j. To respond to disputes, lawsuits, etc. k. To respond to inquiries about this Service l. To analyze the Subscriber in terms of age, affiliation, type of business, size, etc., in order to produce processed statistical data in a form that does not allow identification of individual persons, companies, organizations, or individuals, and to improve and enhance the service, conduct service development, research, market analysis, and marketing m. To provide, maintain, improve, and develop this Service in accordance with the preceding items 15.2. The Company will not disclose or share the Subscriber's information to any third party without the consent of the Subscriber. However, the Company may disclose or share the Subscriber's information to a third party in the following cases, and the subscriber shall agree to it in advance. a. To the provider of the tool within the necessary range in using the tool which the Company deems appropriate to grasp the status of use of this Service b. To the provider of the third party service within a reasonable range for the cooperation between this Service and the third party service and the improvement of the function c. When the Company entrusts all or part of the handling of the Subscriber's information within the scope necessary to achieve the purpose of use specified in Clause 15.1 d. When the Company entrusts the information of the Subscriber to a settlement system company, credit card company or bank for the purpose of billing the fee to the Subscriber e. When the information of the Subscriber is provided as a result of succession of business due to our merger or other reasons f. When based on laws and regulations g. When the disclosure of information is requested by a court of law, the police, or other public institution in accordance with laws and regulations 15.3. We may change the purpose of use of the information of the Subscriber within the range that is reasonably considered to have a reasonable relation to the purpose of use before the change, and we will notify and announce the change to the Subscriber. 15.4. In this Service, in order to understand the usage of this Service by the Subscriber, to operate or improve this Service, or to optimize advertisements provided by us or third parties other than us, we use Google Analytics and other tools that we deem appropriate to collect information such as access logs (web pages which the subscriber browses, environment of use, etc.). Google Analytics and other tools that we deem appropriate are used to collect and analyze access logs and other information (including information such as web pages viewed by the Subscriber, information on the usage environment, and information such as behavioral history on advertising pages and sites linked to this Service and cookies automatically received from browsers and applications) in order to optimize advertisements provided by the Company or third parties other than the Company. These tools use cookies, Advertising ID (AAID) provided by Google, etc. (collectively, "cookies, etc.") to collect access logs, etc. without including information that identifies individuals. The collected information will be managed in accordance with the personal information protection policy of each tool provider. Please refer to each tool provider's website for their privacy policy and opt-out instructions. We are not responsible for any damage caused by using the services of each tool provider. 15.5. We may disclose statistical data, etc. to a third party. In this case, only statistical data that does not identify specific persons, organizations or individuals will be displayed, and information that can identify the Subscriber will not be displayed. 15.6. The Company shall manage the personal information (excluding “Tokutei-Kojinjoho”, specific personal information) of the Subscriber obtained through the use of the service in accordance with the personal information protection policy (including “Privacy Policy”) separately stipulated by the Company in addition to the provisions of this Agreement. The subscriber shall agree in advance to the Company's handling of the Subscriber's personal information contained in the Subscriber's data, etc. in accordance with the personal information protection policy. 15.7. The Company will not handle any data sent by the Subscriber to the G.U. Blockchain Network without the Subscriber's permission.

  16. Exclusion of Antisocial Forces 16.1. The Company prohibits the use of this Service by antisocial forces. When the Company judges that the Subscriber corresponds to such a person, the Company may stop providing this Service or cancel the service use contract without notifying the Subscriber in advance. The company will not take responsibility for any damage or disadvantage caused to the Subscriber by the suspension of this Service or the cancellation of the service use contract.

  17. Compensation for damages 17.1. If the Subscriber causes damage to the Company by violating this Agreement or in connection with the use of this Service, the Subscriber must compensate the Company for all the damage (including professional fees such as lawyers' fees and the cost for human resources). 17.2. In the event that the Company receives a claim from another subscriber, user or any other third party for infringement of rights or any other reason in relation to the use of this Service by the Subscriber, the Subscriber shall pay the Company the amount of money which the Company was forced to pay to the third party based on the claim and the amount of money which the Company incurred in order to settle the dispute in relation to the claim (including professional fees such as lawyers' fees and the cost for human resources).

  18. Disclaimer of Warranties and Indemnity 18.1. We disclaim all warranties that this Service, contents provided through this Service, and any other benefits that the Subscriber may obtain from this Service will meet the Subscriber's specific purpose, will have the expected functionality, commercial value, accuracy, and usefulness, and that the use of this Service by the Subscriber will be in compliance with the laws and regulations applicable to the Subscriber. We do not guarantee that the contents provided through this Service are legally available, that the terms of use of the services provided by other companies are observed, or that the rights of the third party are not infringed. 18.2. Due to the characteristics of the G.U. Blockchain Network as a blockchain, it may not be possible to delete the recorded information retroactively. In addition, there are certain restrictions on the suspension and deletion of blockchain operations. The Subscriber shall use this Service with an understanding of its characteristics, and the Company shall not be liable for any damage caused by such characteristics. The Subscriber shall manage the private key information, necessary for updating the blockchain operated by the Subscriber, at the Subscriber's own responsibility, and the Company shall bear no responsibility for such management. 18.3. If the Subscriber provides any service to a third party by sharing the G.U. Blockchain Network endpoint (URL) with the third party, the Company shall not be responsible for the provision of such service. If a dispute arises between the Subscriber and a third party regarding the provision of such services, the Subscriber shall deal with the dispute at its own expense and responsibility, and shall not cause any trouble to the Company. 18.4. This service uses AWS as a server. The Subscriber acknowledges that the Company shall not be held responsible for any and all damages caused by system malfunctions of AWS. 18.5. The Company shall not be liable for any damage caused by interruption, waiting, termination, unavailability, or change of the provision of this Service by the Company, deletion or loss of data sent to this Service by the Subscriber, cancellation of the registration of the Subscriber, loss of data, failure or damage of equipment caused by the use of this Service, or any other damage suffered by the Subscriber regarding this Service, except in cases where the Company is intentionally or grossly negligent. 18.6. The Company will not be involved in communications or activities between subscribers. In the event that a dispute or problem arises between the subscribers, please resolve it at your own responsibility and expense and the Company will not be involved. 18.7. If a dispute arises between the Subscriber and a third party, the Subscriber shall solve it by his/her own responsibility and expense, and we shall not be involved in it. 18.8. Even if links from the Company's website to other websites, or links from other websites to the Company's website are provided, the Company accepts no responsibility for websites or the information obtained from them other than the Company's website. 18.9. The Company shall not be held responsible for any damages incurred by the Subscriber in relation to this Service, except in cases of intentional or gross negligence on the part of the Company. In addition, even if the Company is liable for damages to the Subscriber due to the Company's willful misconduct or gross negligence, or due to the application of the Consumer Contract Act or other reasons, the scope of the Company's liability is limited to the direct and ordinary damages actually caused by the reasons attributable to the Company, and shall be limited to the total amount of the fees for this Service actually received from the Subscriber for the past one year retroactively from the time when the reason for damages was born.

  19. Period of the Validity of Contract 19.1. The service use contract shall be effective between the Company and the Subscriber from the day when the registration for this Service is completed and the Company starts providing this Service to the Subscriber to the day when the Subscriber cancels this Service or the day when the Subscriber's account is deleted, whichever comes first. The Service shall remain in effect between the Company and the Subscriber until the earlier of the date on which the Subscriber's account is deleted.

  20. Revision of Agreement 20.1. The Company may revise this Agreement without the Subscriber's consent in any of the following cases a. If the change is a change of the service name or expression, or a correction of typos or omissions, etc., and does not substantially affect the contents of this Agreement. b. When the contents of the change conform to the general interests of the Subscriber. c. When the contents of the change do not violate the purpose for which this Agreement was made and are reasonable in light of the necessity of the change, the reasonableness of the contents after the change and other circumstances related to the change. 20.2. In the case of a change in accordance with Clause 20.1.b and 20.1.c, the Company shall notify the Subscriber of the change in this Agreement, the contents of the changed Agreement, and the effective date of the change by posting on the Company's website or by any other means deemed appropriate by the Company at least a reasonable period of time before the change becomes effective. In the case of a change in accordance with Clause 20.1.a, the revised Agreement shall become effective at the time that the Company notifies the Subscriber of the revised Agreement by posting the revised Agreement on the Company's website or by any other method that the Company deems appropriate.

  21. Contact and Notification 21.1. Inquiries about this Service, other communications or notifications from the Subscriber to the Company, notifications regarding changes to this Agreement, and other communications or notifications from the Company to the Subscriber shall be carried out in the manner determined by the Company. In the event that the Company sends a notice or an alternative notice to the Subscriber by electronic mail or by posting on the Company's website, such notice or alternative notice shall be deemed to have been made at the time when the electronic mail is sent by the Company or when the notice is posted on the Company's website.

  22. Transfer of Status under this Agreement 22.1. The Subscriber cannot transfer, succeed (including comprehensive succession by merger, company split, etc.), or use for security purpose all or part of the rights and obligations based on this Agreement to a third party without prior written consent of this company. 22.2. When the Company transfers the business of this Service to another party, the Company can transfer the status on the service use contract, rights and obligations under this Agreement, registration information of the Subscriber and other customer information to the assignee of the transfer. The Subscriber is considered to have agreed to such transfer in advance.

  23. Severability 23.1. Even if any provision or part of any provision of this Agreement is determined to be invalid or unenforceable under the Consumer Contract Act or other laws or regulations, the remaining provisions of this Agreement and the remaining part of any provision that is determined to be invalid or unenforceable shall continue to be in full force and effect. The Company and the Subscriber shall endeavor to modify this Agreement to the extent necessary to make such invalid or unenforceable provisions or parts legal and enforceable, and to secure the intent and legal and economic equivalent of such invalid or unenforceable provisions or parts.

  24. Survival Clause 24.1. Article 10 (Cancellation of Service Contract), Article 11 (Service Use Standstill and Account Deletion), Article 13 (Ownership of Rights), Article 15 (Use of Information), Article 16 (Exclusion of Anti-Social Forces) through Article 18 (Disclaimer and Disclaimers of Warranties), and Article 22 (Transfer of Status under this Agreement) through Article 26 (Negotiated Solutions)

  25. Governing law and agreement jurisdiction 25.1. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of Japan and the Tokyo District Court shall be the exclusive jurisdictional court of first instance for any and all disputes arising from or related to this Agreement.

  26. Consultation and Resolution 26.1. The Company and the Subscriber shall consult with each other in accordance with the principle of good faith to promptly resolve any disputes arising from matters not stipulated in this Agreement or from the interpretation of this Agreement.